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- Ingresá a la sección catálogo desde tu celular.
- Vas a ver un mensaje, seleccioná el botón “Agregar app Serrat” y listo! ya tenés la app en tu smartphone.
- Ahora disfrutá de nuestro catálogo online.

See our online catalog

Our permanent search for the best product on the market positions us as a certified quality company. In this way, we have the endorsement of the ISO 9001 certification from 2005 to date, which reaffirms the commitment to quality in all our production processes.

Do you have any questions?
These are some of the most common questions about our products and services
Our company sells its products through distributors only, we do not sell to the public.
We are open to developing any type of rubber and thermoblown part. We have a team of highly qualified professionals to be able to make new developments tailored to the needs of each client.
We focus on the replacement market, as well as working with automotive terminals directly and indirectly.
We are present throughout Latin America through representatives in each country. If you want to contact us, you can do so through any of the means mentioned in the contact area.